sawsan sabbah -  Bahrain

sawsan sabbah - Bahrain

I have a strong background in education and training and am keen to share my expertise with educators and professionals interested in modern teaching methodologies and strategies. ... More Details

Dr-Haya Abuafifeh

Dr-Haya Abuafifeh

🌟 Career ObjectiveExperienced educational leader and academic supervisor, specializing in the development and assessment of educational programs for gifted and talented students. ... More Details

Dr. Amal Mousa

Dr. Amal Mousa

Dr. Amal Mousa - holds a PhD in Institutional Innovation, Digital Transformation and Future Foresight from the Scandinavian Academy in the Kingdom of Sweden, an internal human deve... More Details

Dr.RanaTaher Alnimer

Dr.RanaTaher Alnimer

Rana Taher Al-Nimr is an expert in educational technology and a pioneer in developing and training teachers and educational leaders. She holds the position of Head of the Educati... More Details

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